Cat's name:
How did you hear about Lend-A-Paw?:
If you are approved to adopt a cat, will you allow a representative from Lend-A-Paw to visit your home to make sure your new cat is doing well?:
Spouse's Name:
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:
Email Address:
Do you own or rent?
If you rent, please provide your landlord's name and number so we can be sure pets are allowed in your building.
Please indicate how many of the following live in your household:
Adults (over 18): Children (Under 18): Ages:
Are all members of the household in agreement about adopting a cat?:
Do all the adults work full time?:
How many hours will your new cat be alone?:
Where will your new cat be kept when it is alone?:
Does anyone in the household have allergies?:
Who will be in charge of taking care of the cat daily?:
While you're on vacation?:
Who is this cat for? (Self, Gift, Mouser, Companion to another Pet):
Do you plan to declaw your cat?:
Do you plan to keep your cat indoors, mostly indoors or outdoors?:

Have you ever lived with a cat before?:
Please list all pets that currently live in the household (include breed, age, sex/neutered, how long owned and where kept):
Please list all previous experience and a brief history of what happened to these pets (if the pet died, had a litter or was given away, please describe circumstances):
Please provide the name and number of the veterinarian you have been using or had used for any past pets. If you do not have a veterinarian at this time, please provide the information on the veterinarian you are planning to use:
Please provide the name and number of a non-family member we may contact as a reference:
Please be advised that Lend-A-Paw requests for a NON-REFUNDABLE donation usually between $150 to $400 per cat/kitten adoption to help cover medical and rescue effort costs.
Is this acceptable? If not, why not?
Is there anything additional you would like us to know about your needs or circumstances?
Dog's name--
How did you hear about Lend-A-Paw?--
If you are approved to adopt a dog, will you allow a representative from Lend-A-Paw to visit your home to make sure your new dog is doing well?--
Spouse's Name--
City,State,Zip Code--
Daytime Phone--
Evening Phone--
Email Address--
Do you own or rent?-
If you rent, please provide your landlord's name and number so we can be sure pets are allowed in your building:
Please describe your home:
Do you have a backyard?
Fenced in?:
Height of fence?:
If you don't have a backyard, how do you plan to exercise the dog and allow the dog to relieve himself or herself?:
What sort of training will you provide?:
Please indicate how many of the following live in your household:
Adults (over 18): Children (Under 18): Ages:
Are all members of the household in agreement about adopting a dog?:
Do all the adults work full time?:
How many hours will your new dog be alone?:
Where will your new dog be kept when it is alone?:
Does anyone in the household have allergies?:
Who will be in charge of taking care of the dog daily?:
While you're on vacation?:
Who is this dog for? (Self, Gift, Protection, Companion to another Pet):
Do you plan to keep your dog indoors, mostly indoors or outdoors?:
Have you ever lived with a dog before?:
Please list all pets that currently live in the household (include breed, age, sex/neutered, how long owned and where kept):
Please list all previous experience and a brief history of what happened to these pets (if the pet died, had a litter or was given away, please describe circumstances):
Please provide the name and number of the veterinarian you have been using or had used for any past pets. If you do not have a veterinarian at this time, please provide the information on the veterinarian you are planning to use:
Names of pets that have been to this vet and approximate dates:
Please provide the name and number of a non-family member we may contact as a reference:
Please be advised that Lend-A-Paw requests a NON-REFUNDABLE donation usually between $150 to $400 per dog/puppy adoption to help cover medical and rescue effort costs.
Is this acceptable? If not, why not?:
Is there anything additional you would like us to know about your needs or circumstances?: